Beginner's Guide: How to Install LDCloud Android Version

Update Time:2022-05-11 15:48:27

You can download the LDCloud APK by clicking the button below or follow our guide to download it from Google Play or the official website.

Download LDCloud through Google Play:

1. Search and install LDCloud in Google Play

search LDCloud in Google Play

install LDCloud cloud phone

2. After the installation, please open LDCloud

3. Log in to your current LDCloud account or create a new account. You can log in with Google, Facebook, LINE, and mobile phone number.

4. We provide a New Users Offer for newbies. You can also buy a cloud phone directly. Click to check how to choose your plan.

5. Start your LDCloud journey!


Download on LDCloud Official website:

1. Enter LDCloud Website: on your mobile browser

search on browser

2. Click to download LDCloud for Android

download LDCloud Android version

3. Log in to your current LDCloud account or create a new account. You can log in with Google, Facebook, LINE, email, and mobile phone number.

4. After downloading and installing, you can open and purchase the cloud phone

5. Start your LDCloud journey!