11+ Tower of Fantasy Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Update Time:2022-08-12 15:16:00

With the release of Tower of Fantasy, the free-to-play open-world game got popular in the RPG world. And if you've played other gacha games, you might be familiar with how Tower of Fantasy Works. However, if you're a beginner, we have all the tricks that you can use in order to stay ahead of the curve. So without further ado, let's dive straight into the exciting tips and tricks.

1. Attack Before Falling To Avoid Any Damage

Attack Before Falling To Avoid Any Damage in Tower of Fantasy - LDCloud Cloud Gaming Emulator

One of the most common traps to fall in is that as you're landing, you will get fall damage. But what if I told you that there's a way to avoid fall damage? Well, if you're falling and you want to avoid the fall damage, then all you need to do is to attack again and fight before landing on the ground to avoid negative health. 

This tip will help you a lot especially considering that fall damage can lead to considerable damage which slows you down ultimately. So if you want to save yourself from getting the victim to low health, attack before falling to the ground. 

2. Make Use Of The Interactive Map

Make Use Of The Interactive Map in Tower of Fantasy - LDCloud Cloud Gaming Emulator

Most beginners make this huge mistake of not looking at the interactive map of Tower of Fantasy. The map tells you everything from resources, enemies, or anything else and they are highlighted right on the map.

Since finding enemies and resources can be hard in such a big game, just use the map and you easily mark your claimed resources once you're done. Hence, the use of a map is quite important throughout your journey.

The map is so high definition and user-friendly that just browsing through will let you explore a plethora of resources. Moreover, the marking option enables you to tick an area that you've already explored so you won't waste any more time again. 

3. Dash As Much As You Want

Dash As Much As You Want

A lot of people are worried about stamina running out since that can cause a lot of problems especially when you're in a combat situation. However, dashing does not consume any stamina and you can easily dash as much as you want. Well, not technically, but Dash has its mini blue bar which allows you to keep track of how many dashes are left.

If you're worried about not having enough dashes, you can just check the bar. However, it's quite efficient to use dashes and not worry about stamina at all. 

4. Use Shieldbreaker for Your Advantage

The best part of using Shieldbreaker is that, as the name suggests, it breaks the shield of your enemies. The first thing you should do in combat is to break the enemies' shields and then become a beast to win the match.

What shields do is, reduce the overall damage and it's harder to defeat the opponents that way. Hence, if you're playing against a fierce player or a high-level boss, your entire team might be wiped off due to them using shields. 

So once you get the Shieldbreaker, you can break shields whenever possible and then quickly switch your DPS to be more balanced throughout the match. 

5. Perfectly Dodge To Freeze Time

What's amazing about dodging time is that if you dodge at the perfect time, the time will slow down and you'll have the opportunity to defeat your opponents in a faster way. So whenever you dodge, try to aim for a perfect dodge. Your weapons will also get fully charged so you can use stronger discharge attacks. This is a strong feature that you can use against your enemies to dominate the game. 

6. Use Unstuck When Necessary

Use Unstuck When Necessary in Tower of Fantasy - LDCloud Cloud Gaming Emulator

Tower of Fantasy has a button that helps you when your game is glitching. Be it getting some at some place or just random MMO glitches. So if you find yourself in a situation where you might be kicked out of the map area or get stuck by experiencing stupid glitches, you can use the "unstuck" option that can be found in the settings' basic tab. Right on the right side of your player's name, you'll see an option called unstuck. 

7. Discharge Attacks are Better Than Dashing

Right when you dodge, you will have moments that will keep you vulnerable for a couple of seconds. However, this does not apply when you use discharge attacks. So to use discharge attacks, you will need to jump in the air twice and then use the attack. This will allow you to use our jetpack gadget and you will also be able to travel the open world faster and efficiently. However, if you have the base jetpack, you will have trouble. 

8. How To Break Enemy Shields?

There's another way to break your enemies' shields as well. This might sound a little cliche but using heavy weapons like hammers or claymores will easily allow you to break their shield. And this happens because as you use heavy weapons, your opponents are stunned for a good bit of time and they wouldn't be able to attack. So in the meantime, you can do a lot of damage and destroy them. 

9. Knock Out Weekly Dungeon Activities

Weekly activities will make you get weekly points that can be initiated by knocking out a set of tasks. This is very helpful for every Tower of Fantasy player. And since you can knock them out in one go, it's awesome for people who don't have the time to play the game daily. Weekly points can easily be maximized in 3 days of effort. 

10. Use The Transmit Option

If you want the fastest way to travel from one place to another, you should use a transmitter. You can do it right from the map. If you're resting outside of combat, you can easily choose a point and transmit your players. This will allow them to travel fastly and quickly. 

11. Teammate Revival Tricks

Teammate Revival Tricks to Tower of Fantasy - LDCloud Cloud Gaming Emulator

Well, you might be surprised by the fact that Tower of Fantasy has an option for reviving the teammates that have been knocked down. All you need to do is to use the revive key once and dash away. This way, your ally will be revived whether you waited or tapped. Go far away and stay alive while your ally gets revived. 

12. Honey AFK Farming

Honey farming in Tower of Fantasy allows you to farm purple-grade tea, nut tea, and a lot of other exciting honey-related foods. Firstly, you will need to select Zero as the character. Then fight mobs to get at least 5 fire orbs. Then you have to go near a hive to farm honey and the fire obs will automatically defeat the bees because you can stay AFK meanwhile. It will surely take some time so you can sit back and relax.

And if you want to use a way where you can close the game and it will still farm honey, you should check out the LDCloud, the cloud gaming emulator that allows you to emulate a game without having to let the game be closed from your RAM. Any game you play will be in the virtual device so even if you close LDCloud to do other tasks, the game will still be farming honey for you.

Final Verdict

Tower of Fantasy is an amazing game that lets you immerse yourself in its open world. If you're someone who's all about open-world RPG experiences, then playing this game will be an experience breeze. Moreover, these tips will come in handy for both new people and people who're advanced in playing RPGs. 

If you would like to find more information or tips on Tower of Fantasy or other games, please follow up on our blogs. We also have various articles which we hope can help you enjoy gaming. You can download LDCloud now and enjoy the mobile games you like now!
