Ragnarok X Next Generation AFK Farming Guide

Update Time:2022-08-24 14:43:52

Ragnarok X Next Generation is one of the most interesting RPG games out there. The game has an auto system that lets the AI take over. So when you're not in the mood, you can just put on "Auto" mode, sit back, and relax. However, things don't end there. With the AFK grinding feature, you can get an upper hand compared to other players and your enemies. 

If you're new to ROX, you might need to realize that the game has an AFK farming system and the learning curve is quite difficult and requires you to grind a whole not. So if you are interested in learning more about AFK farming, find out. 

What's unique about Ragnarok X Next Generation's Auto System?

What's unique about Ragnarok X Next Generation's Auto System - LDCloud Android cloud gaming emulator

Unlike other RPG games, Ragnarok X Next Generation has different ways that try to limit a player's time in the game by using a new stamina system. The game changed the auto system and made sure that you can grind longer than other games that offer the same auto system. So if you were wondering about the hefty grinding process, it isn't hard if you spend a lot of time working on AFK grinding and smartly play the game. 

And unlike other games, you would need to capitalize on the auto system because initially, you will need a lot of currencies and resources to upgrade your equipment in the game. Moreover, you will mostly be getting just the abilities to have minimum requirements for most missions and battles so that's something you will deal with regularly. 

The auto system lets you get the best of COC missions, Guide Orders, and overall gameplay by letting you do something productive with your limited time and the AI will play the game for you. 

You won't need to worry about grinding all that much but you'll only be needed when there's a serious head needed.

Benefits of AFK Farming

Benefits of AFK farming in Ragnarok X Next Generation - LDCloud Android cloud gaming emulator

In Ragnarok X Next Generation, your stamina isn't capped by any means. This means that your character can grind for a long time without having its stamina run out at all. In most games, when you're AFK grinding after your stamina runs out, your character will stop grinding. However, in RoX, there are no limits. This means that you can constantly get more Zeny even after your stamina is depleted. Hence, by using this feature smartly, you can capitalize on getting the most amount of Zeny with the maximum potential. 

Moreover, if you don't have the time or you just don't like AFK grinding, you will run into a plethora of problems. First of all, Zeny will be your biggest problem as you won't be able to do the COC missions or Guild Order since you'll always be running low on them. Moreover, this will also hinder your overall progress, making it difficult for you to catch up with your friends and the game overall. 

And if you are unable to finish all the AFK grinding tasks, you can always let your friends help you in missions like Guild Order. You can always find another guide to join which will make things easier for you. Moreover, to get the most out of the game, you should aim for AFK grinding for around 3-4 hours and that will get you the most amount of Zeny and other items needed to excel in the game. 

AFK Grind Guide

Even though grinding is as simple as it gets, you might need to take care of a couple of things if you want to get the most out of the game. Here are some of the things you should take into consideration. 

Solo vs Party:

Solo vs Party matters a lot in AFK grinding. To make the best out of the game, you should always find a party to grind with you daily. However, you should make sure to not walk on the spots that are not taken by other plays. In other words, you can aim for different classes so your team will get the most amount of XP possible. 

When you choose a class different from most of the team, it encourages the grinding process to farm the most amount of XP. Also, joining a party will allow you to get the most out of the game since your team can help you in Guild Order and other missions when you turn on the Auto mode. 

Check your Level:

Right before you even think about grinding, you should always know the target level of the monster and make sure that they're at least 3 levels stronger than you. This will provide you with 100% base and job EXP, making you ace the game in no time. This is because the developers designed the game in a way where enemies that are 3 levels above you will yield the most amount of EXP. Hence, if you're not able to get a lot of EXP, you should look at the enemy level.  

Check your DPS:

If you don't have enough DPS and the monsters are trying to attack you within your level range, you might need to change the whole approach of how you play the game. This one is quite important for the Priest Class where you'll see that undead and monsters are not available at all the ranges. Hence, checking your DPS is always recommended. 

How LDCloud Can Help You?

LDCloud is an Android cloud gaming emulator that lets you enjoy AFK grinding to a whole nother level. If you're AFK grinding but your phone can close the app in the background, making you lose all the progress, then LDCloud is the solution to take your AFK grinding experience to the next level.

Even if you close the LDCloud app, your game will always be running and your AFK grinding will be resumed. In other words, you can get the maximum amount of grinds without having to even play the game or get worried about your phone's task manager closing it.