[END]LDCloud Lantern Festival Sale

Update Time:2025-02-11 11:36:14

Celebrate the Lantern Festival with exclusive offers from LDCloud. Enjoy seamless cloud gaming experience at unbeatable prices for a limited time.

Special Offer:

K10 United States

60 days for $14.99 (original price $29.98) – 50% off

K10 Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Netherlands

60 days for $14.99 (original price $25.98) – 42% off

K12 Taiwan

60 days for $14.99 (original price $28.95) – 48% off

Buy now: https://www.ldcloud.net/web/mobile/activity

Duration time: February 11 - February 19

Don't miss out—these offers are available for a limited time only.

Special Event:

Share Facebook post & Win 30-day K10: Share our Lantern Festival post(https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15Pzk2i6iE/), comment with a screenshot and your user ID for a chance to win 30-day K10 for free.

Upcoming Lantern Fest Fun Quiz: Participate Lantern Fest Fun Quiz on Facebook or Discord, and take a chance to win rewards!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ldcloudphone

Discord: https://discord.gg/9d3ajaZCcy

Make this Lantern Festival memorable with our special deals.