Ragnarok X: Next Generation New Home System Guide

Update Time:2024-01-18 15:55:23

Every single month, something new changes in Ragnarok X: Next Generation. But this time, we are introduced to the Home System feature, which brought a plethora of changes in the current way you play ROX.

This update was first implemented in the Taiwan server but had a lot of bugs. Now that it is available globally, you need to understand how it works, the changes that have been made, and how you can make the best out of the New Home System. And if you would like to experience the new home system in Ragnarok X: Next Generation on PC and Mobile, we recommend using LDCloud, the best cloud phone emulator online. You can grind in ROX 24/7 and enjoy other games with LDCloud.

So, here's a complete guide for you.

How to unlock the new ROX home feature?

How to unlock the new ROX home feature? - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator Online

When it comes to the new home system, you can't just unlock it right away. However, to unlock it, you will have to do a new quest, which will then allow you to leverage the changes of this feature to the fullest.

After you update the game to the latest version and the maintenance is over, you need to log in to the game. Moreover, as you log in and enter into the game, there will be a quest that will mostly be auto-navigated.

This means you don't need to work hard or spend too much time, but there is still some action to be taken. The quest will only require a few minutes, and you will need to talk to Ronald, the home NPC.

Ronald can be found near the Central Fountain in Prontera. This interaction will lead you to enter your home in ROX and get an item called the Paper Crane Homecaller. It is a teleportation device you can use to teleport right into your home.

And this device works regardless of where you are. Pretty handy, right? Moreover, this is a permanent item, which means it won't be gone after a few days, months, or uses. But there is more to home than most people think.

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Fishing in ROX Home System - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator Online

As you enter your home, you will first be introduced to the fishing NPC. Interestingly enough, this NPC has nothing to do with your fishing progression. You only need to talk to this NPC when you want to increase your fishing pond level.

In simple words, the bigger the fishing pond level, the larger capacity it has to grow more fish. So as you do your progression, you can come back to the NPC Peierls, who will then allow you to increase the fishing pond level.

And if you want to grow fish, the fishing NPC will actually give you some fingerlings that you can grow in the pond, progress later, and get the bigger fish with time. Once you release the fingerlings into the pond, you will get them to grow.

Next time you want to grow fish, you can buy them from the NPC shop. Once you plant these fingerlings, you will need to wait for 53 hours and 20 minutes or around 2 days before you can harvest them.

However, if you are someone who doesn't like waiting, then you can speed up the process too, but it will require the growth bait item, which you will also need to buy from the NPC shop. But as you want to increase the growth rate, you might wonder how fast it can actually grow.

Well, the growth bait item can increase the growth process and decrease the time by 60%, which is a good win. So if we were to spend two days, the growth time would be decreased to less than a day, which is an ideal item to spend on.

Fishing is one of the most interesting parts of ROX, and by mastering the new Home System, you can progress faster and harvest some of the best fish for your own benefit. However, the con of this system is that you can only use one growth bait item at one time, meaning there is no way for you to increase the process further.

However, after that certain period, you can use it again. So, for fish that take more than 2 days, it can be repeatedly used and still have a significant decrease in farming time.

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Farming in ROX Home System - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator Online

The next big update is the Farmland, where you can grow the LIFE skill flower material. And just like fishing at the pond, you first need to sow the flower seed so it can grow later on. Moreover, to get these seeds, you must visit the NPC Ronald's shop, where you can buy the flower seeds.

Once you sow these seeds, you will need to wait for one hour so you can water them. This doesn’t mean that after one hour, you will have the plants ready, but you will have to water them regularly for them to grow.

If you fail to water them, then it will turn into something bad that you wouldn't want to face. It is just like fishing. However, there is just one extra step, which is watering the plants. However, you will only need to water once so the seed scan enters the growing process.

Moreover, unlike fishing, the growing process of the plants does not take a long time, and on average, you will only need to wait a couple of hours for these plants to grow.

After the seeds bloom, you can harvest them, get the most benefit and extra resources, and make your world better in Ragnarok X: Next Generation. But in your farmland, there is also something called the Fertility point.

Every time you grow something on your farmland, the fertility point will drop. Skylie will monitor the soil's fertility. Each seed in Life yields a minimum of 15 crops and a maximum of 30 crops. So when you are harvesting, each crop needs a minimum of 2 points of Fertility. Without enough Fertility, you won't receive any bonus yields.

And if the fertility is decreasing, you would need more fertilizer than you can get from Ronald. You can buy this product, and it will increase the fertility of your homeland.

Final Verdict

These are some of the most exciting changes for the New Home System in Ragnarok X: Next Generation. This guide covers everything you need to know about the new home system as you enter the world of Ragnarok X: Next Generation. After you master your new home using our guide, you can progress much faster. If you are a new player in ROX, we also have the Ragnarok X: Next Generation AFK guide. Let's ROX together with LDCloud and have fun gaming!

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