Seven Knights 2 Tier List 2025

Update Time:2025-01-28 21:52:33

In Seven Knights 2, having the strongest characters in your arsenal since the battles are going to be crazy, full of wit, and require amazing valor. Hence, we are bringing you the best Seven Knights 2-tier list that you can use not only to become stronger but efficient, quick, and the best player in the game.

Playing Seven Knights 2 with LDCloud

You might be lucky and fight some strong fighters like Sun Wukong or Empress Eileene, so if you want to reroll the best, you can do that with our cloud phone emulator, LDCloud. LDCloud offers synchronous operation that lets you do the same thing on multiple devices. Moreover, with LDCloud, you can not only install Android games like Seven Knights 2 on the cloud without using the storage of your devices but also have AFK leveling or grinding 24/7.

1. Download LDCloud on your PC and mobile through the LDCloud website.

2. Login or create your LDCloud account.

3. Get a cloud phone device.

4. Open your cloud phone device and click the LDC store.

5. Search "Seven Knights 2" and install it quickly via LDC store.

6. Start your adventure in Seven Knights 2!

Play Seven Knights 2 with LDCloud - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator

Now, without further ado, let's dive straight into the Seven Knights tier list.


Seven Knights 2 S-Tier Characters - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator

● Miho (Five Desires Incarnate)
● Return of the Supreme Ruler Gelidus
● Mercure (Creator of Madness)
● Eileene (Immortal Lightning Empress)
● Ace (Moon Slicing Yacha)
● Radiant Guardian Dragon Melia
● Lina (Harmonic Melody)
● Noho (Historian)
● Rachel (Crimson Flame Incarnate)
● Indomitable Avenger Kyle
● Rudy (Wings of Annihilation)
● Elenia (Rule Breaker)
● Resurrected Nightmare Pascal
● Bai Jiao (Designer of Chaos)
● Red Blood Queen Restia
● Dellons (Annihilation Knight)
● Yuri (Three-Tailed Fox)
● Kris (Nightmare Tracker)
● Fifth Seat of Frenzy Trude
● Platin (Messenger of the Goddess)
● Shay (Elena's Sword)

S-tier characters are the absolute badass in Seven Knights 2 and this tier is going to be the most interesting one. These characters are the cream of the crop and can be suitable for all sorts of things, starting from farming and ending all the way up to fighting the most badass fights.

Moreover, these characters are usually the evolved versions of their base variants. However, we have Noho, Lina, Yuri, and Platin, who are all in their non-evolved state, but honestly, it doesn't matter because all of them are equally as good as the other characters.

But then we have some Seven Knights legends, including Rudy, Eileene, and Dellons, that will annihilate just about anyone in the game. So, having gone through excessive training,, you will not only have some of the most badass characters but evolved ones that are going to kick but in the game. 
These characters are the ones that you should reroll for and even use our cloud phone emulator LDCloud to speed up the process.


Seven Knights 2 A-Tier Characters - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator

● Ace (Heavenly Sword)
● Adel (King of Karaestelle)
● Bai Jiao (Architect of Despair)
● Nia (Legendary Magical Engineer)
● Clemyth (Steps of Atonement)
● Eileene (Empress of Fodina)
● Colt (Bullet Dancer)
● Aquila (Vindictive Blade)
● Reaper of Darkness Ballista
● Varion (Indomitable Guardian)
● Yeonhee (Transcendence of Time and Space)
● Evan (Lord of Destruction)
● Cosette (Elena's Sword)
● Dellons (Reaper of the Abyss)
● Scott (Dark Dragon of Destruction)
● Rudy (Ultimate Guardian)
● Karma (Sage of the Inner Eye)
● Drake (Wolf of the North Sea)
● Evan (White Wolf)
● Karin (Saint of Light)
● Kris (Hell Lord)
● Eileene (Phoenix Empress)
● Ian (Alchemist of the Abyss)
● Iota (Roar of Taragon)
● Pallanus (Telus's Hope)
● Phine (Child of Light)
● Sun Wukong (Great Sage)
● Vanessa (Time Traveler)
● Ruri (Sharpshooter)
● Serena (Song of Hope)
● Shay (Adventurer)
● Shane (Nestra's Incarnation)
● Spike (Ice Tyrant)
● Teo (Fated Condemnation)
● Teo (Vanquisher of Evil)

With A-tier comes a washed-down version of S-tier characters. These characters are still decent, with amazing damage output and respective stats. You can consider them as the watered-down variants of Rudy, Ace, Eileene, and Dellons, the ones that are probably the most powerful characters from the series.

If you look deep enough into these A-tier characters, you will know that Vanessa and Yeonhee are amazing, and they are Mythic Knights that can perform just the same as any S-tier characters.

The new Sun Wukong is also a great tank but ultimately gets destroyed by Eileene's Immortal Lightning Empress version. However, if you're looking for an amazing tier list with some of the strongest characters, then A-tier is the way to go.

Play Seven Knights 2 with LDCloud - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator


Seven Knights 2 B-Tier Characters - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator

● Bolt Z (Autonomous Magical Weapon)
● Branze & Bransel (Hateful Maniacs)
● Claire (Scarlet Volley)
● Diana (Awakened Emotion)
● Evan (Knight of Darkness)
● Knox (Hell Adjutant)
● Espada (Dark Savior)
● Ian (Alchemist)
● Lene (Daybreak Thunder Dragon)
● Lukey (Comeback King)
● Mercure (Mad Researcher)
● Rin (Empress of Aisha)
● Ilvis (Wraithscream Sword)
● Kagura (Abyssal Orochi)
● Wolyeong (Gatekeeper of Purgatory)
● Zephyr (Descendant of Dunfrost)
● Karl Heron (Dual Wielding Hunter)
● Kyle (Chains of Vengeance)
● Melissa (Pilgrim of Light)
● Miss Velvet (Sanguine Rose)
● Nebiros (Apostle of the Abyss)
● Ophelia (Sheild of Protection)
● Orly (Archmage)
● Rachel (Phoenix Incarnate)
● Rudy (Knight of Light)
● Shane (Nestra's Disciple)
● Shane (Lost Soul)
● Sieg (Carnage Blade)
● Spike (Ice King)
● Taka (Arc of Azure Light)

This is the most beginner-friendly tier, where you can even get the characters in the form of rerolling easily. Some notable characters here are Shane and Rudy, making the perfect tier you should vouch for.

You can also get Ilvis, Lukey, and Ophelia in this tier as these characters can still take you to the top.


Seven Knights 2 C-Tier Characters - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator

● Adel (Royal Blood)
● Alice (General Merchant)
● Cheng Chen (Nestra's Disciple)
● Eileene (Eternal Empress)
● Guilahan (Romantic Mechanic)
● Henry (Elena's Sword)
● Jave (Guardian Dragon)
● Kade (Elena's Sword)
● Kagura (Sealed Shaman)
● Lania (Blizzard Queen)
● Li (Forbidden Magic)
● Lukey (Nestra's Disciple)
● Melissa (Nestra's Disciple)
● Neo (New Ego)
● Serena (Heavenly Voice)
● Scott (Elena's Sword)
● Shane (Shadow Sword)
● Tristan (Nestra's Disciple)
● And others…

This tier contains all the characters that can never compete with the high-level fighters. The weaker territory begins and here, you get some of the weakest versions of the strongest knights like Eileene, Shane, Cheng Chen, Lukey, and a lot more.

But that doesn't mean these characters would let you down in any way, shape, or form. That's because you're getting a great starting point for all the beginners of the game. All in all, while this tier is nowhere near the best, you can still get good results.


Seven Knights 2 has some of the best characters in the game, but they have unique skills and bring you different effects in the game. After following our tier list, you can get some of the most awesome characters that help you win in the most glamorous way possible.

Play Seven Knights 2 with LDCloud - LDCloud Cloud Phone Emulator