The Ragnarok Hunter Build Guide

Update Time:2024-11-04 23:59:31

The Hunter is one of the best The Ragnarok classes, as it comes from the Archer class. The Archer class is a long-ranged attacker that is ideal for single-target damage.

Similarly, the Hunter class is just a better progression with more shenanigans that you can use to progress your character. When you're playing The Ragnarok, the Hunter build is something that can bring you miles ahead of the competition.

Here's a complete hunter build guide for you to gain the upper hand and improve as a player.

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What Exactly is a Hunter Class?

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The Hunter class in The Ragnarok is the second job class for the Archer class. To make the ideal build for hunters, we need to understand exactly what it excels in and what some of the things you can do with this class are.

In general, hunters are amazing when it comes to ranged physical attacks, and they do so with bows and traps to kill enemies from a distance. To make it interesting, they even have a pet falcon that can give you assist bonuses and help you in attacking the enemies.

Not only that, but the main selling point of this class is its ability to provide high single-target damage and a respectable area-of-effect using traps, making it one of the best progressions for grinding mobs to take down some of the biggest bosses.

With that aside, before building the ideal build for the Hunter job, we must understand its strengths and weaknesses.

The Strengths

The best part about choosing the Hunter job is that it is a high single-target DPS that uses abilities like Double Strafe and Falcon Assault. One of the best builds for this job class is the Double Strafe build, and we will get to that in a moment.

Secondly, the Hunter Job class is extremely versatile, with amazing ranged attacks and traps. This makes them perfect for hunter mobs farming, and excellent in PvP or PvE situations. To make it interesting, this class can also add extra damage thanks to the abilities it provides.

And when you learn how to unlock the Falcon, things get much easier and more effective because you essentially have a partner who can help you at all times.

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The Weaknesses

But even as amazing as it seems, the Ragnarok Hunter job is still not perfect. If you don't create a careful distance or positioning for yourself, there are a lot of chances that you will just get annihilated.

That is because the defense of this class is just not the best. Outside of traps, the class also has limited AoE and relies on long-range single-target attacks.

Best Stat Allocation for the Hunter Build

The Hunter job focuses on different stats, but the main ones are Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, and Luck. There are other secondary stats, but in theory, these are the main ones. So, we're going to allocate points to make up the best build you've ever seen.

1. Fast Attacker Hunter Build

● DEX: 80-99

● AGI:  60-90

● LUK: 10-20 (Ideal for having more CRIT chances)

This is a classic build that focuses on maximizing attack speed and accuracy. The Hunter class is quite fast in general, and if you double down on stats that make you a badass attacker, then this build would be ideal for you.

Having a high level of DEX and AGI allows you to damage your opponents more, even with standard attacks. Moreover, this is the Double Strafe build we were talking about. Whether you want to do PvE farming or become a single-target DPS in PvP scenarios, this build is the ideal one for you.

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2. Falconeer Build

● DEX: 80-99

● LUK:  40-70

● INT: 10-20 (To sustain more SP)

Now we have the Falconer build, which is one of the most popular ones in the Hunter class. In this build, you will see that we have taken a step away from the AGI stat, and for a good reason. This build focuses more on DEX for giving high damage output, and then we have LUK to increase the falcon activation rate.

This build is also perfect for players who love utilizing Falcon, and with the mixture of a higher LUK stat, you can get Falcon to go on auto-blitz more and go ham with attacking the opponents.

But that's not all. This build is perfect for PvP, where you need to cause a lot of disruption, and even if you want to farm the mobs efficiently, you have that choice as well.

3. Trap Specialist Build

● DEX: 80–99

● VIT: 30–50

● INT: 30–50

The Trap Specialist build is another amazing way you can take over the world of The Ragnarok. If you want to be one of those people who want to crowd control like pros, then having a Trap specialist build will make you move miles ahead of other players in the game.

You see, this build is made in a way that puts a lot of emphasis on VIT and INT stats. You might be asking, why exactly is that? To make it simple, the Trap specialist guide is perfect for immobilizing and damaging a larger group of monsters.

This is perfect because now you can have versatility not only in terms of PvP combat but also in terms of PvE, which makes it quite impressive. The only con of this build is that it requires you to have a lot of control when it comes to SP management.

If you don't manage the SP the right way, then you are going to suffer an unimaginable fate. In this build, the DEX stat is more about trap damage, the VIT stat gives you survivability, and lastly, the INT provides you some extra SP for overall killing when it comes to the game.

AFK Leveling with LDCloud

As one of the MMO games from Ragnarok series, leveling is also an important part of The Ragnarok. If you're worried about the storage of your devices or you don't have enough time for AFK, you can try LDCloud, a cloud phone emulator. With its cloud-based Android system, LDCloud allows players to download and install games and apps directly to the cloud, freeing up storage on their devices. Additionally, LDCloud enables players to engage in AFK leveling 24/7. Even if the app is closed, the game will still keep running on the cloud.

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When it comes to the Hunter Class, you are getting the best-in-class experience. You should also play around with different attacks like Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, Beast Bane, Steel Crow, Blitz Beat, and a lot more. Hunter is a quite popular The Ragnarok class for players, and we hope this The Ragnarok Hunter build guide can help those newbies who want to try this class to find their way to make better progress in this game.