Ultimate The Ragnarok Beginner Guide

Update Time:2024-11-03 22:53:42

The Ragnarok is a new and exciting RPG title that takes over the world with its beautiful graphics and gameplay. It takes over the internet and makes your journey through a mythical world full of magic and badass adventure.

But as a beginner, you must need clarification about how to make the best out of your situation, which is why this is the best Ragnarok beginner's guide you can follow. By the end of this blog, you will know exactly what you need to follow to become the best player.

Moreover, if your growth is stagnant, you can still take your gaming experience to the next level. So, without further ado, let's dive straight into the list.

Play The Ragnarok with LDCloud

Play The Ragnarok with LDCloud | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator

The Ragnarok has many unique features in the game, specifically when it comes to farming and fighting. We have covered hundreds of blogs catering to some of the best tips and tricks. But if there's one tip that you can follow, it is to get the best out of your situation.

That's where the cloud gaming service, LDCloud, comes in. We provide the best cloud Android emulator you can use to play any RPG with additional benefits right on your mobile device or even on your PC and browser.

Here are some of the benefits playing The Ragnarok with LDCloud provides:

● Saving Your Data and Storage: Many games nowadays take up plenty of storage and huge amounts of data on your device. To make matters worse, many people don't have enough data to download massive games onto their phones. LDCloud is the perfect solution because you're saving everything on the cloud. The game is installed on the cloud phone devices when you download it. Moreover, when the game is downloaded, you do not download any additional files on your mobile device but rather in our LDCloud servers, so your phone's storage won't be filled.

● The Magic of AFK Farming/Auto-Play with LDCloud: Another big benefit of playing The Ragnarok and many other RPG games on our cloud Android emulator is that you can maximize your auto-leveling and auto-play to the maximum. You see, when you are auto-playing a game if the game is closed from your devices, your game will stop the auto-play, which you just cannot gain the most benefit from. With LDCloud, however, you can easily and effectively play for as long as you want because the game is running in the background even if you close the app.

● Play on PC: Playing a game like The Ragnarok on PC is one of the best ways to improve as a beginner. Hence, when you are bored of playing the same game on your mobile, you can just use LDCloud to play The Ragnarok and hundreds of other games for maximum gameplay fun on PC.

Play The Ragnarok with LDCloud | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator

Choosing the Right Class

Choosing the Right Class | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator

With an MMORPG game like The Ragnarok comes many unique classes. The classes in The Ragnarok are some of the most important aspects of the game. Moreover, these classes have specialized skills and abilities, allowing you to progress through the game much faster and more effectively.

The game contains a total of six classes, each with varying skills and abilities. To make things interesting, these classes have their own benefits and negative points, which you must understand as a beginner. So, here's everything you need to know.

● Swordsman: When it comes to the king of combat, we have the Swordsman job class. This job class is ideal for both attacking and defending, making them perfect for being on the frontline. They act as a tank, too, which is why they should be the top pick for most beginners.

● Mage: Mages use magic powers to attack their opponents, and they usually do it from a distance. Mages have high intelligence stats, making them ideal for long-range attackers since they can find the enemy's weak points and are ideal for beginners.

● Thief: The Thief job class is amazing when it comes to speed, agility, and stamina. They are stealthy and enable you to make calculated moves to not only attack the opponents but also avoid heavy damage.

● Acolyte: Acolytes are perfect when it comes to providing powerful buffs to your team and adding debuffs for your opponents. This class can be tricky for beginners since it can be quite difficult to deal with. However, once you're well-versed in The Ragnarok, things get much easier.

● Merchant: This class is quite tough in itself and is ideal for farming in general. They are usually known for their resource-managing abilities and have great advantages for your team.

● Archer: Known as the king of long-ranged attacks, this class can attack from a distance while providing amazing precision overall. You should always pair them as an attack with your frontline defender.

Play The Ragnarok with LDCloud | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator

Level Up The Fastest As a Beginner By Doing Quests

Level Up The Fastest As a Beginner By Doing Quests | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator

As a Ragnarok beginner, you must be wondering what the faster way to level up in general is, right? You see, in The Ragnarok, there are three types of quests: the Main, the Side, and the Event. While all three of them are important, the beginners make a vital mistake that costs them their growth in the game.

Each quest type is important for growth, but your main priority must be the main quests. Hear me out. These are the quests that are the actual story of the game and will provide you with the most bang for your buck.

So when you're doing the main quests, you are getting the most experience, equipment, and everything necessary to improve. But when your growth gets stagnant, that's where you should try doing the side and the event quest.

You will not only enjoy the game this way but also not halt your growth.

Join a Guild for Maximized Benefits

Join a Guild for Maximized Benefits | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator

The Guild is probably the most underrated aspect of Ragnarok. When you are a guild member, you are fighting alongside your team, always improving and getting better. One of the best things you can do is to join a guild as soon as the feature is available.

You will get resources that are important for a quest, and in quests where you are stuck, you will have the support of your whole team. So, never ignore guilds; rather, embrace them and work towards betterment.


With so many tips as a beginner, these are some of the best tips you can take in order to get the most benefit and start off strong. We hope this guide can help you make better progress in The Ragnarok. Have fun gaming with LDCloud!

Play The Ragnarok with LDCloud | LDCloud Cloud Android Emulator