LDCloud will soon be accessible via the web. In order to provide a better experience, we are looking for reliable beta testers to help us out. We now need 10 testers to complete this test and every tester will be rewarded.
How to be a tester:
1. Join LDCloud Discord: https://discord.gg/eEdgZfHevW
2. Find the event post in discord: [ANNOUNCEMENTS] - [community-events] - [Event Post Thread]
3. Introduce yourself in the thread
(Must include the following information: 1. User ID 2. Android or iOS user 3. Your location 4. Make sure you have approximately one week to participate in this test (starting around January 3) 5. Any information about your advantage to being a reliable beta tester
What a tester needs to do:
1. Find bugs & glitches
2. Submit your suggestions
3. Write down the above information in English, put them together in a document, and submit it to us
1. If you are selected as a tester, we will inform you individually
2. Submit your test results in the form of a document (word/text, etc.) in English
3. Rewards will be distributed after the test is fully completed
4. Please complete this test carefully
One 15-day K-Series device
1.3-1.8 15:00(UTC+8)