FAQ 8: What do those Notice Symbols Mean?

Update Time:2023-01-19 14:52:33

LDCloud is a cloud phone app that brings an extremely mobile gaming experience for gamers. With LDCloud, players can play mobile games 24 hours online, which makes LDCloud become the most suitable cloud gaming emulator for AFK grinding or leveling.

When you are using LDCloud, you might find that there are some notice symbols appearing on your cloud phone sometimes. To help users identify the status of cloud phones, we would like to introduce those notice symbols in this article.

1. Maintenance Coming Soon

Maintenance Coming Soon Notice Symbol on LDCloud - LD Cloud Phone

When this notice symbol appears on your cloud phone, it means that there is an update or maintenance on the schedule. At the same time, you will receive a message about when the maintenance begins and ends. When you see this symbol, you still can enter your cloud phone and manage it as usual. However, we highly suggest you save your settings in advance and pay attention to the game time so that your progress is not affected during the maintenance period.

2. Under Maintenance

Under Maintenance Notice Symbol on LDCloud - LD Cloud Phone

If your cloud phone has this notice symbol, you can not enter your cloud phone temporarily. During the maintenance period, this notice symbol will appear on the main interface of your cloud phone. When the maintenance is completed, you can enter and manage your cloud phone normally.

3. Equipment Failure

Equiement Failure Notice Symbol on LDCloud - LD Cloud Phone

This notice symbol means your cloud phone device has malfunctioned and can not be used normally. Please contact our customer service through Facebook messenger to assist you to fix the issue. Meanwhile, if you would like to try to repair it yourself, you can try to restart, reset the factory setting, or replace the device to self-repair.

LDCloud always adheres to providing the best products and services to our users. We insist on continuous innovation and hope to bring users a different cloud gaming experience. If you would like to figure out the meaning of the notice symbol on your cloud phone, you can check this article or contact us via Facebook.